The vast majority of skin cancers fall under below three large categories
Malignant Melanoma (MM)
One of the least common but most dangerous skin cancers
Melanomas can grow fast and quick. If untreated they can metastasise to other parts of the body and can become life-threatening in as little as few weeks. They can also appear on areas of skin not normally exposed to the sun. They are usually painless, flat, brown/black with an uneven outline but sometimes can also look like a regular, raised, itchy or painful
They may be blotchy with more than one colour – brown, black, blue, red, grey or combination of any of these colours. However, some melanomas are pink or skin coloured.
Use ABCDEFG to look for melanoma where:
A = asymmetry, if two halves of the mole match if you draw a line in the middle
B = border, look for spots with uneven borders
C = colour, look for spots with an unusual colour or more than one shade
D = diameter, look for spots that are larger than 6 mm
E = elevated
F = firm nodule
G = growing